Chief Caleen Sisk and partners discuss McCloud River salmon

Photo By/Credit

Brandon Honig/USFWS

Date Shot/Created
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Public Domain
Winnemem Wintu Chief and Spiritual Leader Caleen Sisk speaks July 11, 2022, about the importance of returning winter-run Chinook salmon to their historical habitat in the McCloud River. She was joined that day by members of the Winnemem Wintu and by federal and state agency scientists including Stacie Fejtek Smith, fisheries biologist for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries (in blue shirt and hat); Matt Johnson, senior environmental scientist for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (in green); and Taylor Lipscomb, manager of Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery (in tan).
Subject tags
Anadromous fish
Fish hatcheries
Fisheries management
Rivers and streams
Species reintroduction