What We Do

A gray wolf sitting in dried grass. Only the head and shoulders are visible.
The Recovered Gray Wolf | Image Details

We work closely with partners to conserve species and their habitat through a variety of programs and partnerships:

Management and Conservation

An oblique view from the Selkirk Mountains overlooking Kootenai.
Kootenai NWR located in northern Idaho, is a small gem in the National Wildlife Refuge System. | Image Details

Our Services

a dead log surrounded by yellow flowers and mountains in the background
Idaho mountains in the spring | Image Details

We offer services to support plant, fish, and wildlife conservation, with a focus on federally threatened or endangered species. Different services are tailored to different groups and situations, so if you want to proactively support imperiled species conservation on your property or if you wonder how federally-protected plants and animals may affect you, explore the services we offer.

Our Projects and Research

A black and brown mussel shell is being held in someone's hand. It is the length of their fingers.
A Western Ridge Mussel | Image Details

We use science and innovative technology to drive our management and conservation of terrestrial and aquatic resources. And we work collaboratively with partners to effectively meet today’s complex conservation challenges.  Working with others is at the core of how we operate, and through those partnerships, we develop a number of conservation projects across the the State of Idaho, from conserving whitebark pine on the tops of the highest mountains, to working to improve stream health for aquatic invertebrates. Learn more about some of the key efforts we have underway.

Some of our program or project focal areas can be viewed at these links:

Environmental Quality in Idaho

Invasive Species Management in Idaho

The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program in Idaho

Laws and Regulations

Under several federal laws, Congress has directed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to be stewards of our nation's plant, fish, and wildlife resources - particularly animals like birds and  fishes that cross state and even international borders; federal  threatened and endangered species; and the National Wildlife Refuge system - the system of federal lands dedicated to wildlife conservation. Congress has similarly directed the Fish and Wildlife Service to work with other federal agencies to minimize or eliminate negative impacts to plants, fishes, and wildlife from projects they fund or authorize. Learn more about the laws that direct our work.