Featured Species

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Office works with many threatened and endangered species. Explore the Washington species under our purview below. (Note: this list does not contain those federally listed species that are solely under the National Marine Fisheries Service’s jurisdiction)

You can access a species list tailored to individual projects and learn how to minimize conflicts with natural resources through the Information, Planning, and Conservation (IPaC) tool.


Canada lynx - Threatened 
Columbian white-tailed deer (Columbia River population) - Threatened
Gray wolf - Endangered in Washington, with the exception of the population in the eastern third of the state
Grizzly bearThreatened 
North American wolverine- Threatened
Northern sea otter - Protected
Pygmy rabbit (Columbia Basin population) - Endangered
Woodland caribouEndangered
Olympia pocket gopher - Threatened 
Roy Prairie pocket gopherThreatened 
Tenino pocket gopher - Threatened 
Yelm pocket gopher - Threatened 


Marbled murreletThreatened
Mount Rainier white-tailed ptarmigan- Threatened
Northern spotted owlThreatened
Short-tailed albatross  - Endangered
Streaked horned lark Threatened
Western snowy ploverThreatened
Yellow-billed cuckooThreatened

Reptiles and Amphibians 

Green sea turtle - Endangered
Leatherback sea turtle - Endangered
Loggerhead sea turtle (North Pacific Ocean population) - Endangered
Olive Ridley sea turtle - Endangered
Oregon spotted frog - Threatened
Western pond turtle- Proposed as threatened


Bull trout - Threatened


Island marble butterfly - Endangered
Oregon silverspot butterfly - Threatened
Taylor's checkerspot butterfly - Endangered


Check out a story map detailing federally listed plants in Washington State.

Golden paintbrush - Delisted due to recovery, previously threatened
Kincaid's lupine Threatened 
Marsh sandwort- Endangered 
Nelson's checker-mallow Delisted due to recovery, previously threatened
Showy stickseed - Endangered
Spalding's catchfly Threatened 
Umtanum desert buckwheat Threatened 
Ute ladies'-tresses Threatened 
Wenatchee Mountains checker-mallow - Endangered
Whitebark pine - Threatened
White Bluffs bladderpod Threatened