The Center for Plant Conservation (CPC) is dedicated solely to preventing the extinction of U.S. native plants. The cooperative CPC network maintains the National Collection of Endangered Plants, believed to be the largest living collection of rare plants in the world. Live plant material is collected from nature under controlled conditions and then carefully maintained as seed, rooted cuttings or mature plants. Network institutions conduct horticultural research and carefully monitor these materials so that imperiled plants can be grown and returned to natural habitats. An official understanding has been entered into between the CPC and the Service which establishes a broad framework for collaboration for the conservation of native North American plant and animal species and their habitats.
National FWS Programs They Work With
Partner Category
Partnership Services
Through our partnerships we are able to expand our capabilities through the inclusion of services in areas such as:
- Grant opportunities
- Sponsorship of grants
- Cooperative Agreements
To find out more about how our partner provides services view our partner services below.