Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge

The Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge (Friends) are a non-profit organization, led by an Executive Director and a volunteer board, who help the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service preserve and maintain the Refuge. This volunteer group employees several staff members who works in collaboration with the Refuge to provide community engagement opportunities, volunteer coordination, cultural education programs, habitat restoration, and waterfowl hunting. 

Their Mission:

The Friend's mission is to support, protect, and enhance the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge and its wildlife habitat, and to broaden public awareness and participation in its environmental, cultural, and educational opportunities. 

Their Goals:
  • Advocate the long-term protection and compatible uses of the Refuge's fish and wildlife resources and habitat
  • Expand education and interpretation of the natural and cultural resources of the area
  • Improve visitor program and facilities in the Ridgefield and Lower Columbia River area, to better protect and enhance the natural and cultural resources

Related Stories

A hand holding up a tiny watercolor of the scene behind it
Fear often keeps up from doing the things we may truly enjoy. But with support of an Artist in Residence at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, that anxiety was lifted for staff, volunteers, and community members.

Partner Category

Those who experience the outdoors and wildlife first-hand become its greatest conservationists.  We partner with these groups to foster their love of wildlife and conservation.

Here we partner with a wider variety of other organizations on projects to meet shared conservation goals.

Other Partners

Here are just a few of our National Partners. You can view the full list of FWS partners, along with the regions and areas of focus our work together entails.

Partnership Services

Through our partnerships we are able to expand our capabilities through the inclusion of services in areas such as:

  • Grant opportunities
  • Sponsorship of grants
  • Cooperative Agreements

To find out more about how our partner provides services view our partner services below.