Policies and Responsibilities for Quarters Management

371 FW 1
FWM Number
371 FW 1, 3, and 7, dated 1/18/18
Originating Office
Infrastructure Management Division



1.1 What is the purpose of this chapter?

1.2 What is the scope of Part 371?

1.3 What are quarters?

1.4 Why does the Service supply quarters?

1.5 What are the authorities for Part 371?

RESPONSIBILITIES1.6 Who is responsible for quarters management?

1.7 What are the maintenance requirements for quarters?

1.8 What are the construction requirements for quarters?


1.1 What is the purpose of this chapter? This chapter describes the authorities and responsibilities for all the chapters in Part 371, Quarters Management, of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Manual. Part 371 supplements 400 Department of the Interior (Department) Manual (DM) 3, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-45, and the Department’s Housing Management Handbook. See Table 1-1 for the organization of Part 371.

Table 1-1: Chapters for Quarters Management

371 FW 1Policies and Responsibilities for Quarters Management
371 FW 2Managing Quarters Funds
371 FW 3Certification of Required Occupancy
371 FW 4Challenging Quarters Rental Rates
371 FW 5Housing for Volunteers

1.2 What is the scope of Part 371? The chapters in Part 371 of the Service Manual apply to all employees involved in managing quarters that the Service owns, leases, or manages through other means (e.g., service level agreements).

1.3 What are quarters? Quarters are housing units that the Government owns or leases and for which the Government serves as landlord. The terms “Government quarters,” “housing unit,” “Government-Furnished Housing (GFH),” and “rental unit” are synonymous. 

1.4 Why does the Service supply quarters? We supply quarters to our employees, contractors, volunteers, and others when:

A. We determine that the tenant is essential to fulfilling the mission, and 

B. There is an inadequate supply of suitable housing in the private rental market.

1.5 What are the authorities for Part 371? 

A. Accounting and Auditing Act of 1950 (Public Law 95-125).

B. Department’s Housing Management Handbook.

C. Dual Pay and Dual Employment, Extra Pay for Extra Services Prohibited (5 U.S.C. 5536).

D. Energy Efficiency Standards for the Design and Construction of New Federal Low-Rise Residential Buildings (10 CFR Part 435).

E. Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act of 1982 (Public Law 97-255).

F. Fish and Wildlife Improvement Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-616, section 4(c)(1)).

G. Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-352). 

H. OMB Circular A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget.

I. OMB Circular A-25, User Charges.

J. OMB Circular A-45, Rental and Construction of Government Quarters.

K. OMB Circular A-123, Management’s Responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control.

L. Quarters and Facilities, Employees in the United States (5 U.S.C. 5911).

M. 400 DM 3, Quarters Management.


1.6 Who is responsible for quarters management? The Service’s primary quarters delivery program is managed by the National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS) Infrastructure Management Division (IMD) as defined by delegated authority to the Chief, NWRS. Specific management responsibilities for planning, decision making, program execution, and budgeting are described in Table 1-2.

Table 1-2: Responsibilities for Quarters Management

These employees...Are responsible for...
A. The DirectorApproving Servicewide policy.
B. Chief, National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS)

(1) Overseeing the strategic direction of the quarters program; 

(2) Approving transfers of funds among Regions; and

(3) Representing the Service quarters program to the Department, Congress, OMB, the Congressional Budget Office, Government Accountability Office, and others.

C. Chief, Infrastructure Management Division (IMD)

(1) Serving as the Service’s Senior Asset Manager;

(2) Evaluating all aspects of the Service’s quarters management program to help ensure consistency with Departmental policies, Federal regulations, and executive orders, and providing any requested reports;

(3) Assigning a National Quarters Officer (NQO); and

(4) Surnaming Justifications for New or Replacement Housing, Form DI 1871.

D. Chief, Joint Administrative Operations (JAO), Administrative Operations Center (AOC), Financial Operations Division

(1) Managing the financial aspects of the quarters program, including audits, assets under construction, and reporting; and

(2) Creating Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) in the Financial and Business Management System (FBMS), upon request, for newly constructed or acquired quarters.

E. National Quarters Officer (NQO)

(1) Developing and implementing quarters policy and supplemental procedures and interpreting them for employees; 

(2) Providing guidance and technical and administrative support to Regional offices and field stations;

(3) Ensuring the internet Quarters Management Information System (iQMIS) database is accurate in accordance with Departmental and Service policy to provide reports, data, and communications about quarters; 

(4) Distributing the Regional survey reports and adjustments to the Consumer Price Index to the Regional Quarters Officers (RQO) for verification in iQMIS and field station notification; 

(5) Serving as the Service’s representative on the National Housing Council;

(6) Reviewing Justifications for New or Replacement Housing, Form DI 1871, for compliance with Service policy before the Chief, IMD surnames; and

(7) Serving as the technical authority and liaison for the reconsideration/appeal process.  

F. Regional Directors

(1) Approving Justifications for New or Replacement Housing, Form DI 1871; and

(2) Authorizing transfers of funds between Regional programs.

G. Assistant Regional Directors (ARD) 

(1) Ensuring that Project Leaders and supervisors are accountable for implementing the quarters management program in accordance with all related laws and policies that affect quarters;

(2) Initiating requests for transfers of funds between programs and between Regions;

(3) Authorizing fund transfers between stations within their programs; and

(4) Reviewing and approving  Certificates of Required Occupancy, Form DI 1872.

H. Program Budget Officers/Analysts 

(1) Reviewing collections and expenditures from the Regional quarters accounts to ensure they are authorized, 

(2) Screening monthly quarters expenditure files to ensure that budget object class codes are appropriate, and

(3) Investigating any questionable obligations, if necessary.

I. Regional IMD Chiefs

(1) Ensuring that annual real property inspections include the quarters inventory, and

(2) Assigning RQOs.

J. Chief, JAO, AOC, Human Resources Operations Division

(1) Documenting an employee's status as a required occupant on the SF 50, Notification of Personnel Action;

(2) Including a position's occupancy requirement in the position description and the vacancy announcement for each position having such a requirement; and

(3) Ensuring that unions with exclusive recognition are contacted and collective bargaining impacts and implementation obligations are satisfied in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 71.

K. Regional Quarters Officers (RQO)

(1) Serving as the initial contact for Project Leaders/supervisors on quarters issues, providing guidance, and addressing tenant issues;

(2) Working with the NQO and Project Leaders/supervisors to ensure the iQMIS database is accurate in accordance with Departmental and Service policy to provide reports, data, and communications about quarters;

(3) Reviewing Justifications for New or Replacement Housing (Form DI 1871) to ensure compliance with policy, and, if the request is for a leased property, ensuring the proper procedures are followed (see 370 FW 1); 

(4) Entering new quarters into iQMIS once they are marked “iQMIS relevant” in FBMS; 

(5) Reviewing requests for reconsideration of rental rates and ensuring that adequate comparable rental data are available; and

(6) Deleting records in iQMIS of housing units removed from the quarters inventory (i.e., demolished or changed use) in coordination with the program Regional Facility Management Coordinator (FMC) and the Regional Asset Management Coordinator (AMC).

L. Regional Asset Management Coordinators (AMC)

(1) Submitting requests in mySupport for asset shell setup for new quarters records to JAO Financial Operations, and releasing the record in the Service Asset and Maintenance Management System (SAMMS) and FBMS; and

(2) Creating work orders in SAMMS and FBMS for station use to document maintenance and repairs of quarters.

M. Regional Facility Management Coordinators (FMC)

(1) Verifying and validating all quarters are recorded in SAMMS with the appropriate asset code, and

(2) Creating Deferred Maintenance (DM) work orders in SAMMS based on approved Justifications for New or Replacement Housing (Form DI 1871).

N. Regional Environmental Compliance Coordinators (RECC)

(1) Working with local managers to ensure environmental hazards such as lead-based paint, radon, and asbestos in quarters are known and mitigated as appropriate; and 

(2) Assisting with coordination of surveys for environmental hazards, including lead-based paint, radon, and asbestos when requested, and providing technical assistance to Project Leaders/supervisors regarding required visual inspections.

O. Regional Budget Chiefs

(1) Keeping current and accurate financial records for quarters,

(2) Receiving and reviewing WBS and asset number requests from AMCs and ensuring accuracy before sending the requests to JAO Financial Operations for processing,

(3) Receiving and reviewing field stations’ purchase requests related to real property to ensure that costs are accurately tracked in FBMS, and

(4) Completing the acquisition cost information for each new asset record in FBMS and any capitalized improvement costs for existing assets and sending them to JAO Financial Operations.

P. Project Leaders/Field Station Managers

(1) Overseeing the operation and maintenance of quarters and recording associated costs;

(2) Initiating Justifications for New or Replacement Housing (Form DI 1871);

(3) Ensuring the completion of annual real property inspections and that appropriately trained personnel are inspecting any lead-based paint or asbestos materials. Reporting all major deficiencies that the station cannot correct to the Regional FMC or Regional Environmental Compliance Coordinator for hazardous material issues;

(4) Ensuring that tenants with disabilities have access to the same services and opportunities provided to all other tenants;

(5) Ensuring required documents, notices, and forms are provided to the tenant as required by the Department’s Housing Management Handbook;

(6) Annually updating and signing documentation for rent deductions because of lack of amenities, loss of privacy, excess or inadequate size, excess heating and cooling costs, and poor condition;

(7) Initiating Certificates of Required Occupancy (Form DI 1872);

(8) Implementing and adhering to Service policy to meet the criteria for volunteer housing as described in 150 FW 3;

(9)  Acting as the liaison to attempt to resolve conflicts with tenants and others; and

(10) Requesting authorization to dispose of quarters by sending the appropriate documentation and forms to the Regional IMD and documenting the disposal when it’s complete.

Q. Tenants

(1) Adhering to the terms and conditions in the housing assignment agreement (lease) and abiding by Departmental and Service policies; 

(2) Verifying and confirming inventory and rental calculations and following the established processes to inform the RQO of discrepancies; 

(3) Notifying facility management staff of any critical maintenance needs to avoid further damage or costly repairs; 

(4) Providing information and certifying annually for the RQO any deductions, such as those for unused space and loss of privacy; 

(5) Notifying the Project Leader/supervisor if the condition of the quarters changes regarding health hazards (e.g., encapsulated lead-based paint peels, material known to contain asbestos is exposed); and

(6) For tenants who have firearms:

     (a) Using firearm safety locking devices, 

     (b) Properly operating firearms, and 

     (c) Abiding by State and local laws for legally possessing a firearm.


1.7 What are the maintenance requirements for quarters? Employees involved in the quarters program must abide by the maintenance requirements for constructed real property assets that we describe in Part 372 of the Service Manual and the Department’s Housing Management Handbook.

A. Employees must make every reasonable effort to avoid inconvenience to the tenant. 

B. When maintenance is required for housing occupied by a tenant:  

(1) The Project Leader/supervisor should make plans for inspections and routine maintenance activities known to the tenant as far in advance as possible, and not less than 48 hours ahead. In emergencies, the Project Leader/supervisor must give as much notice as possible.  

(2) If it is necessary to move tenants out of the unit due to maintenance or emergencies, the station must pay the cost of moving and storing the occupants’ personal effects, as well as the cost of lodging as an administrative expense of operating the installation. The tenant continues to pay rent for their unit, including any associated utility costs, and the station pays the lodging using a purchase card. This expense is not travel since the tenant is at their duty station. 

(3) When a tenant is housed in a hotel while maintenance or repairs are being made, the station should ensure laundry and cooking facilities are available. If these do not exist, the station must reimburse the tenant up to the authorized meals and incidental expenses cost for the area. 

1.8 What are the construction requirements for quarters? Quarters program employees must follow the design and construction requirements described in Part 372 of the Service Manual and the Department’s Housing Management Handbook.