
After a species becomes established, management options include containment, control, and, if possible, eradication. Containment efforts are used to prevent further spread of the targeted ANS, while control efforts are used to suppress aquatic nuisance species populations to slow the rate of range expansion and lessen the impacts to public interests. Below are key resources developed by the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, its members, regional panels, or subcommittees to control existing populations of aquatic nuisance species:

Control and Restoration Measures

Summary of Gaps in Control and Restoration Measures - Survey conducted by the Aquatic Nuisance Specie Task Force Control Subcommittee to identify gaps in control and restoration measures and measures that are needed to address the deficiency.

National ANS Management and Control Plans

When the ANS Task Force determines that control of an aquatic nuisance species is warranted, recommended actions are organized into a comprehensive management plan that focuses on essential tasks designed to minimize the impact to areas where ANS have already invaded and prevent spread into additional habitats. Species management plans are developed through a cooperative process, with committee members from Federal and State agencies, non-governmental organizations, industry representatives, subject matter experts, and others. The plans also undergo review by the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force members and regional panels, with opportunities for public review.

There are currently nine National Aquatic Nuisance Species Management and Control Plans approved by the ANS Task Force:

National ANS Management and Control Plans:  Control Subcommittee Documents

  • Assessment of the Species Control and Management Plans of the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force – assessment of the current status of each of the nine Species Control and Management Plans approved by the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force.
  • Guidance for Aquatic Nuisance Species Control and Management Plans: Development Process and Required Plan Contents – guidance to create a species management plan that identifies action items to guide Federal and State agency activities and funding priorities.

Regional Species Control and Management Plans:

Regional Panels of the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force have also developed Management and Control Plans to identify regional strategies to address species of concern.