Visit Us
The best times of day for visiting, especially in the summer months , are in the early morning and late evening, as wildlife will tend to be more active during these periods. Generally, the refuge is pretty quiet and you will have plenty of space to yourself. Keep in mind the refuge has a small staff and may not always be in the office to answer visitor’s questions, as we may be out conducting field work.
Refuge Headquarters Office is open Monday – Thursday 7:00am-4:00pm and Friday 7:00am - 3:00pm. It is closed on all Federal holidays. Please be aware that occasionally the office may not be open during normal business hours because all staff are engaged in field activities.
The Refuge is open to the public daily from ½ hour before sunrise to ½ hour after sunset.
The refuge has many activities for visitors to enjoy. To learn more about what is available, pick up a refuge brochure (these are available in the parking lot at the headquarters site or by request).
If you have 15-minutes.
For shorter visits, a drive around the auto-tour route, approximately 3.5 miles, offers a quick view our some of the wetland habitat and the wildlife associated with these areas.
If you have one hour.
If you only have one hour, a drive around the long loop of the auto-tour route, approximately 7 miles long, will offer more opportunities to see additional ponds and a larger variety of wildlife. It offers a representative view of the refuge, wildlife, and habitats. Interpretive signs along the route provide information on various types of wildlife and habitat that can be seen along the way.
General Services: Be Prepared
Be advised that no general services are available in Hamer. The nearest gas stations are Roberts, 20 miles south of Refuge on I15 and Dubios 17 miles north. Dubois has food and lodging available and Roberts offers a couple of restaurants. The cities closest that have the most accommodations are Idaho Falls and Rexburg. The Caribou-Targhee National Forest, 40 miles to the north offers campground facilities. The Bureau of Land Management also has existing camping facilities in the area.
Birding Trail
This trail takes visitors through much of the trees around the headquarters area and was built through our best areas to look and listen for song birds.
- Open Season: The birding tail is open year around. However, it is not maintained during the winter.
- Length: 1.8 miles
- Location of trail: The trail starts in the headquarters parking, just behind the vault restrooms.
- Surface: Gravel
- Difficulty: Easy
Other Facilities in the Complex
Camas National Wildlife Refuge is part of the Southeast Idaho National Wildlife Refuge Complex.
The Southeast Idaho National Wildlife Refuge Complex administers six refuges within the National Wildlife Refuge System: Bear Lake, Camas, Deer Flat, Grays Lake, and Minidoka National Wildlife Refuges, and Oxford Slough Waterfowl Production Area. The Complex office is located in Chubbuck, Idaho.
Rules and Policies
We would like to remind visitors that all activities (with the exception of hunting within the established hunting unit) must take place from the road system that exists on the refuge, no off road travel is permitted. Removal of any natural objects from the refuge (this includes shed antlers) is not authorized. When hunting on refuge non-toxic shot must be used or all bird species.

From Interstate 15 take Exit 150 to Hamer, ID. Head east into Hamer and turn left at the stop sign. Travel north on the Old Butte Highway for approximately 3 miles. Turn left and travel west at the overpass. The headquarters is approximately two miles. Signs are posted along this route to guide visitors.