On Bulls Island, the one-half mile Middens Trail, two-mile Turkey Walk Trail, and sixteen miles of unpaved service roads are open for your island exploration and hiking enjoyment year round. You can walk most areas on Bulls and Lighthouse Island beaches throughout the year. However, certain areas are temporarily closed during the bird nesting and fledging season. These closed areas on the beaches are posted with federal and state regulation signs and, you should stay at least fifty feet from all nesting areas to protect the seabirds and shorebirds during this period crucial for their survival.
The one-mile Nebo Trail at the Sewee Center takes you through a beautiful section of the Francis Marion Forest. Visitors traveling on the highway stop for this relaxing, easy walk to break up their trip. Many families with young children hike the trail, as the kids enjoy looking for turtles, alligators and fish in the Sewee and Nebo ponds. You may want to pack a lunch as there's a picnic shelter close to the Sewee Pond.
Be sure to dress for the weather when you are on the refuge or at the Sewee Center. Bring insect repellent, a water bottle, and snacks for your hike.