Visit Us
The Cedar Keys are a little bit of heaven sitting in this low action estuary in the Gulf of Mexico. Whether you write, paint, or contemplate, fish, paddle or peddle, you'll cherish your time in this old Florida setting.
Other Facilities in the Complex
Cedar Keys is managed as part of the North Florida Refuge Complex. A National Wildlife Refuge Complex is an administrative grouping of two or more refuges, wildlife management areas or other refuge conservation areas that are primarily managed from a central office location. Refuges are grouped into a complex structure structure
Something temporarily or permanently constructed, built, or placed; and constructed of natural or manufactured parts including, but not limited to, a building, shed, cabin, porch, bridge, walkway, stair steps, sign, landing, platform, dock, rack, fence, telecommunication device, antennae, fish cleaning table, satellite dish/mount, or well head.
Learn more about structure because they occur in a similar ecological region, such as a watershed or specific habitat type, and have a related purpose and management needs. Typically, a project leader or complex manager oversees the general management of all refuges within the complex and refuge managers are responsible for operations at specific Refuges. Supporting staff, composed of administrative, law enforcement, refuge manager, biological, fire, visitor services, and maintenance professionals, are centrally located and support all refuges within the complex.
The North Florida Refuge Complex headquarters is located at 1255 Lighthouse Road, St. Marks, FL 32355.
Rules and Policies
There are lots of fun, interesting, and educational things you can do at the Lower Suwannee NWR. Keep in mind, if an activity is not wildlife related and doesn’t help in the protection or understanding of wildlife or their habitat, there are probably Refuge System rules governing that activity. Please check with the refuge management before participating in an activity that could harm the environment or yourself. Call headquarters at: +1352-493-0238. There are plenty of activities at the Lower Suwannee NWR for you to enjoy. Be safe and have fun!
Prohibited at the Refuge are fires, camping, dogs off-leash and the collecting of plants, animals, shells and artifacts.

To reach the Refuge, you must travel southwest on highway 24 or 347 to the town of Cedar Key. You'll need a vessel to paddle, operate, or rent to get out to the islands. Boundary signs are on all Refuge islands; other islands are private.