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Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge, located at the mouth of the Chester River in Kent County, Maryland, was established in December 1962. This 2,285-acre island refuge is a major feeding and resting place for migratory and wintering waterfowl on Maryland’s famed “Eastern Shore.”

Directions and Hours

Please see this page for directions to Eastern Neck NWR and refuge operating hours.


The refuge offers wonderful wildlife viewing and expansive views of the Chester River and Chesapeake Bay along 7 different trails. The Visitor Contact Station, located in a historic hunting lodge, is staffed by volunteers and features exhibits about the habitats and history of the refuge, as well as a gift shop operated by the nonprofit Friends of Eastern Neck. Fishing is permitted at Tundra Swan Boardwalk, Ingleside Recreation area (closed seasonally), and Bogles Wharf. Hunters enjoy fall deer hunting and a spring youth turkey hunt.


Nearly nine miles of roads and trails are open to visitors much of the year. Seven hiking trails and boardwalks are available for those wishing to observe the varied habitats and wildlife of the refuge. In order to protect wildlife and their habitats, visitors must stay on designated trails or roads. Please be aware that ticks, chiggers and mosquitoes are abundant, especially during the summer months.

Related Documents

Eastern Neck NWR Refuge Map

Public use areas of Eastern Neck NWR.

Eastern Neck NWR Bird Checklist

A checklist of birds that may be found on Eastern Neck NWR, with a seasonal occurrence rating for each species.

Eastern Neck NWR History Brochure

From ancient times through today, Eastern Neck Island has a rich and varied history.

Other Facilities in the Complex

Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge is managed as part of the Chesapeake Marshlands NWR Complex.

Rules and Policies

In order to protect wildlife and their habitats, certain restrictions are in effect on the refuge.


Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge
1730 Eastern Neck RoadRock Hall,MD21661-1815
Driving Directions

From Chestertown, MD, take Route 20 west into the city of Rock Hall. Turn left at the flashing light onto Main Street (Route 445). Stay on Rt. 445 for 8 miles until you come to a small bridge. After crossing the bridge, you will be on Eastern Neck NWR. Once on the refuge, you will find an informational kiosk at the first pull-off. Signs will direct you to trails, the boat launch, points of interest, and the Visitor Contact Station.

The Visitor Contact Station is located approximately 2.5 miles south of the refuge entrance. A sign on the main road will direct you to the gravel road that leads to the Contact Station.

Please note: The Visitor Contact Station may be closed during its regular hours due to bad weather, high water events, or staffing shortages. We will make our best effort to post any refuge closures to this website and our Facebook page.

Visitor Contact Station (Lodge)
Friday - Sunday
11 am - 3 pm
Federal Holidays
Outdoor Public Areas
Open daily, year-round
Dawn through dusk
On designated hunt days (will be posted)