Facility Activities
The Refuge’s auto tour route, open during daylight hours, allows you to observe wildlife in desert uplands, wet meadows, marshlands, and open waters. Early morning and late afternoon are ideal times to view wildlife and take pictures. Whether you are a birder, a photographer, a hunter, a student of the natural environment or share interest in the cultural history of the area, Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge is a great place to visit.
You will find exciting birding opportunities at this Refuge year-round. Spring and fall migrations provide peak numbers of shorebirds, waterfowl, and many land birds. During the breeding season, you can easily spot nesting colonies of black-crowned night heron, white-faced ibis, great blue heron, and snowy egret. Winter highlights often include tundra swan, numerous ducks, raptors, and the secretive American bittern. More than 290 bird species have been recorded on the Refuge.