Contact Us

We are at our desks Wednesday - Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

General Inquiries
Kaua‘i National Wildlife Refuge Complex
(808) 828-1413
P.O. Box 1128
Kīlauea, Hawai‘i 96754
Youth Programs
Environmental Education Ranger
Volunteer Opportunities 
Kathleen Viernes
Volunteer Coordinator
(88) 828-1413 x302
Visitor Services
Jennifer Waipa
Visitor Services Manager
(808) 828-1413 x301

Other Contacts - Injured Wildlife

Injured Birds - On or Off Refuge

Our staff does not rehabilitate wildlife nor can we respond to incidents off-site. Instead, keep your distance from the animal and contact Kaua'i's local rehabilitation facilities. Their contact information may change periodically, please visit their website for the most up to date information.

  • Save Our Shearwaters - (808) 635-5117 - They can only rehabilitate native species. If you are concerned about a bird or are unsure of the species please call before picking up the bird. Visit their website for more tips on rescuing birds.
  • Division of Forestry and Wildlife - (808) 274-3433

Hawaiian Monk Seal Response 

Reporting Sea Turtle Stranding, Entanglement, or Injury

Key Contacts

Location and Contact Information
