Kern National Wildlife Refuge is the centerpiece of the Kern National Wildlife Refuge Complex. It is located 19 miles west of the city of Delano at the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley of California.
Waterfowl hunt result update:

Due to staff shortages, Kern NWR will no longer be posting hunt results on this website. Hunt results will posted on the California Department of Fish and Wildlife website (

A print out of the latest hunt results will be available in the hunter check station. 

Visit Us

Kern National Wildlife Refuge provides numerous recreation opportunities to thousands of visitors every year. People enjoy viewing the diverse wildlife and habitats whether hiking, driving or hunting. Regulation of recreation activities allow for public enjoyment of the refuge while still protecting the wildlife and habitats.

The refuge is open from sunrise to sunset. The entrance gates close automatically ½ hour after sunset. Visitors access the refuge via the Loop Road. Roads throughout the refuge are graveled and visitors must maintain the posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour. Parking is allowed in designated parking areas only. No overnight parking is allowed on the refuge.

If planning to visit the refuge during the winter months, please keep in mind the refuge is closed to visitors not participating in the waterfowl hunt on Wednesdays and Saturdays, October through January. Temperatures can be quite cold at this time due to the dense patches of tule fog so please dress accordingly. Summer and fall temperatures at the Refuge can be hot and require plenty of sunblock, hat, and water.

Location and Contact Information


    About Us

    Through restoration and maintenance of native habitat diversity, the refuge provides suitable habitat for several endangered species as well as preserving a remnant example of the historic valley uplands in the San Joaquin Desert. Approximately 8,200 visitors annually participate in refuge programs ranging from wildlife viewing to waterfowl hunting.

    A year round 6-mile auto route leads through the some of the wetlands. Hunting opportunities for waterfowl are also available. 

    What We Do

    Two young participants engage with 'ducks on a stick' environmental education display
    Our Environmental Education Program is free and includes staff led field trips which may last one to two hours.

    A primary objective of the National Wildlife Refuges like Kern and Pixley is to provide an optimal environmental educational experience to all interested audiences. Our...