Visit Us
Lake Ophelia NWR provides numerous recreation opportunities to thousands of visitors every year. People enjoy viewing the unique geology and diverse wildlife. Hiking is allowed in all areas open to the public and wildlife observation and photography are encouraged.
Location and Contact Information
- Lake Ophelia National Wildlife Refuge401 Island Road Marksville, LA 71351-4518
About Us
Lake Ophelia NWR was once part of a large contiguous Mississippi River bottomland hardwood forest. During the 1970's, much of the area that would become Lake Ophelia NWR was cleared for agriculture. Today, the Refuge consists of 17,500 acres characterized by ridges and swales that create a great diversity of plant and animal communities. The refuge is named for Lake Ophelia, a 350-acre permanently flooded lake.
What We Do
Refuge staff use a variety of tools to manage wildlife populations and habitat on Lake Ophelia NWR while maintaining opportunities for the public to participate in recreational activities like hunting and fishing.