Person with a leashed dog stand on a trail

Taking a stroll with your four-legged friend is a great way to enjoy the refuge. Dogs are allowed outdoors anywhere that visitors are, as long as they are on a 6-foot leash. Learn the B.A.R.K. principles so you and your pet can have a safe and fun visit on our trails. 

B.A.R.K. stands for: 
  • Bag your pet’s waste 
  • Always leash your pet 
  • Respect wildlife 
  • Know where you can go

In addition to being on a leash at all times, owners must pick up solid pet waste using a disposable dog waste bag. Trash cans are available at the: 

  • Bloomington Education and Visitor Center, Bass Ponds trailhead and Old Cedar Avenue trailhead in Bloomington
  • Louisville Swamp North parking lot, Rapids Lake North Hunter parking lot, and the Rapids Lake Education and Visitor Center in Carver

In areas with no trash can, please take pet waste with you.

Trail Tips
  • Plan ahead to take pet waste with you.
    • Bag the waste.
    • Take the waste home or to a trash bin at the trailhead. 
      • If you need to take the waste home, bring a recyclable container like a large yogurt container to put the bag in during your drive home. Dispose of the waste bag in your trash bin and the (non-soiled) recyclable container in your recycle bin. 
  • Give others space. 
    • If you have a very friendly and curious dog, move to the side when others pass. Not all trail users enjoy a sniff from other dogs. 
    • Bikers and runners move through the trails quickly, so for everyone's safety make sure your dog stays near you. 
  • Pack water for your dog to drink along the way. They get hot and tired too! 
  • Check for ticks after your hike. 
  • Pack a towel or blanket to clean off muddy paws to prevent tracking that onto your vehicle’s seats.