NAWCA U.S. Standard grants are competitive, matching grants that support public-private partnerships carrying out projects in the U.S. that involve long-term protection, restoration, and/or enhancement of wetlands and associated uplands habitats for the benefit of all wetlands-associated migratory birds.
Get Started
U.S. Standard Grant Program Application
Advanced Planning
As you write your proposal, think carefully about how you will implement your project if it is approved for funding. Keep the following in mind as you plan your project and complete your application:
- Partners must match their grants request at no less than a 1-to-1 ratio. For example, partners requesting a $1 million grant would need to also contribute at least $1 million in partner funds (from nonfederal sources) towards the project.
- There is no difference in grant and match for administration purposes. Generally, laws and requirements that apply to activities funded with NAWCA dollars also apply to items funded with match dollars or provided as in-kind match (i.e., real property interests)
- Each grant and match dollar (except for indirect costs) must be linked to an acre acquired, restored, enhanced, and/or established.
- Grantees are held accountable for both match dollars and acres, as defined in the proposal and grant agreement. Without prior approval and agreement modification, accomplishing less than 100 percent of match dollars and acres will result in a reduction of the award amount.
Before Getting Started
We strongly recommend that you contact the coordinator of the joint venture region in which your project is located early in the process for guidance on developing your project and proposal. Joint venture coordinators' prioritization of NAWCA proposals from their geographic region is a key element in the selection process. Connect with your joint venture.
Preparing a Proposal
Be sure to fully read and understand the Eligibility Criteria and Processes, Proposal Instructions and U.S. Grant Administration Standards below to help make your proposal more competitive and your project easier to manage. If your project is selected, these will become the basis of your Assistance Award.
U.S. Eligibility Criteria and Processes
Describes eligible activities and costs for U.S. NAWCA projects. All U.S. NAWCA proposals must comply with these cost principles.
Proposal Instructions
Describes changes from the previous year's US Standard instructions, gives required information for writing a proposal, and provides examples. These instructions are applicable to proposals submitted through July 10, 2025.
Word Proposal Outline
Provides “fill-in-the-blank” proposal outlines, including Technical Assessment Questions and species lists.
U.S. Standard Proposal Tables Template
Provides “fill-in-the-blank” proposal tables.
U.S. Standard Proposal Tables Examples
Provides examples of all the tables required in proposal
U.S. Grant Administration Standards
Describes policies applicable to all U.S. NAWCA grants
Applicants can submit project proposals to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Division of Bird Habitat Conservation for either of the program's two funding cycles per year.
To qualify, project proposals must be submitted through
If you have questions about the NAWCA program, please contact us at