
The finelined pocketbook is suboval in shape and can grow to 117 mm in length (Williams et al. 2008). It is yellow-brown to blackish and occurs in small creeks to large rivers. It has been found in sand, gravel, and gravel-cobble substrates without heavy silt deposits (Williams et al. 2008). The ventral margin of the shell is angled posteriorly in females, resulting in a pointed posterior margin. The periostracum is yellow-brown to blackish and has fine rays on the posterior half. The nacre is white, becoming iridescent posteriorly. The finelined pocketbook can be distinguished from a similar species, the orangenacre mucket, by its more elongate shape, thinner shell, white nacre, pointed posterior, and ray ornamentation (68 FR 14752).

Scientific Name

Lampsilis altilis
Common Name
finelined pocketbook
FWS Category

Location in Taxonomic Tree

Identification Numbers