Stenogyne kealiae

Keal's Stenogyne

FWS Focus


Stenogyne kealiae is a trailing or scandent vine in the mint family (Lamiaceae). Stems are weakly four-angled and glabrous. Leaves are thinly leathery, broadly lanceolate, glabrous, and have weakly revolute margins. Flowers are arranged three to five per verticillaster (an inflorescence that resembles a whorl but consists of two crowded cymes) on either side of the stem and are glandular pubescent within. The base of the straight corolla tube is white while the tubes and lobes are a deep pinkish purple. Nutlets are very dark purple at maturity and are approximately 7.0 to 8.0 millimeters (0.2 to 0.3 inch) long.

Scientific Name

Stenogyne kealiae
Common Name
Keal's stenogyne
No common name
FWS Category
Flowering Plants

Location in Taxonomic Tree

Identification Numbers



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