Steve Haeseker

Steve Haeseker

1211 SE Cardinal Ct
Suite 100
Vancouver, WA 98683
United States

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About Steve Haeseker

Steve is a biometrician and lead of the Analytical Services group. As a member of the Comparative Survival Study, much of Steve's work is focused on assessing the effects of hydropower operations and ocean conditions on salmon and steelhead populations in the Columbia River Basin. Steve is also a member of the U.S. v. Oregon Technical Advisory Committee and the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Salmon Technical Team.

Current Projects:

1. Providing technical expertise for issues involving fisheries management, stock assessment, population dynamics, modeling, statistics, and decision analysis

2. Serving as a technical expert for the Comparative Survival Study, the Pacific Fishery Management Council Salmon Technical Team, and the U.S. v. Oregon Technical Advisory Committee

3. Providing technical support for the effect of complex hydrosystem research on anadromous fish survival

4. Forecasting salmon runs for harvest management decision in the sea and within the Columbia River Basin

5. Providing biometric support ongoing projects within the CRFWCO office


Steve has degrees from University of California - Davis, North Carolina State University, and Michigan State University. He worked for the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission in Minnesota and Simon Fraser University in British Columbia prior to joining the CRFWCO in 2003.

At CRFWCO since: 2003

From The Library

Eagle Creek Hatchery-Wild Steelhead Ecological Interactions: Comparative abundance, growth, migration behavior and survival of winter steelhead in upper Eagle and North Fork Eagle Creeks

Eagle Creek National Fish Hatchery spawns and rears juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and winter steelhead trout (O. mykiss) that are released into Eagle Creek within the Clackamas River basin, Oregon. Previous investigations on the ecological and genetic impacts of...

Walla Walla River Bull Trout Ten Year Retrospective Analysis and Implications for Recovery Planning

We completed a multi-year synthesis of the data and analyses for the Walla Walla River to help broadly prioritize conservation actions and inform the conservation of bull trout. • The assessment provides fundamental and critical information on bull trout growth, movement patterns, and...

Use of the Mainstem Columbia River by Walla Walla Basin Bull Trout FY2012 Annual Report

A significant gap in our knowledge of migratory bull trout Salvelinus confluentus life history is associated with their use of the mainstem Columbia and Snake rivers. Few data are available regarding movements within the mainstem, the use of various mainstem habitats, or bull trout presence and...

Retrospective Analysis of Preseason Run Forecast Models for Warm Springs stock Spring Chinook Salmon in the Deschutes River, Oregon

A retrospective analysis of run forecast models for Warm Spring River wild and Warm Springs NFH hatchery spring Chinook salmon was performed based on the methods of Haeseker et al. 2008. The two models that are currently used for run forecasting, the standard linear regression model and cohort...

PIT-Tag Effects on Hatchery Salmonids: Carson National Fish Hatchery Spring Chinook Salmon

Coded-wire-tags (CWT) and passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags are used extensively throughout the Columbia River Basin to address a wide variety of management and research questions. A recent study by Knudsen et al. (2009) found that dual-tagged (CWT and PIT-tagged) hatchery spring Chinook...