North Carolina’s federally threatened, endangered, and at-risk plant species
Optimal survey windows and duration a survey is valid

These survey windows were determined using information from species recovery plans, field observations, herbaria specimens, and NC Natural Heritage Program information. If suitable habitat for species is present in the proposed impact area, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will likely request species surveys, conducted by a qualified biologist, during the optimal survey window. Projects are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and you are encouraged to contact a Section 7 Section 7
Section 7 Consultation The Endangered Species Act (ESA) directs all Federal agencies to work to conserve endangered and threatened species and to use their authorities to further the purposes of the Act. Section 7 of the Act, called "Interagency Cooperation," is the mechanism by which Federal agencies ensure the actions they take, including those they fund or authorize, do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species.

Learn more about Section 7
coordinator early in the project planning process. To discuss your project and survey recommendations with a Section 7 coordinator, please contact the Asheville Field Office at 828/258 3939 or the Raleigh Field Office at 919/856 4520.

Aeschynomene virginicasensitive joint-vetch TJuly – October1
Amaranthus pumilusseabeach amaranth TJuly - October
(or before first tropical storm that causes overwash)
Amorpha georgiana var. georgianaGeorgia lead-plantARSlate April – October2
Cardamine micrantherasmall-anthered bittercressEApril - May1
Carex impressinerviaimpressed-nerved sedgeARSApril - May2
Carex luteagolden sedgeEmid April - mid June2
Dionaea muscipulaVenus flytrapARSlate May – June2
Echinacea laevigatasmooth coneflowerTlate May – October2
Fimbristylis perpusillaHarper’s fimbristylisARSJuly – September2
Geum radiatumspreading avensEJune – September2
Gymnoderma linearerock gnome lichenEyear round2
Hedyotis purpurea var. montanaRoan Mountain bluetEJune – July2
Helianthus schweinitziiSchweinitz's sunflowerElate August – October2
Helonias bullataswamp pinkTApril – May2
Hexastylis nanifloradwarf-flowered heartleafTMarch – May2
Hudsonia montanamountain golden heatherTlate May - early June2
Isoetes microvelathin-wall quillwortARSApril – July1
Isotria medeoloidessmall whorled pogoniaTmid May - early July1
Liatris helleriHeller's blazing starTJuly – September2
Lindera melissifoliapondberryEFebruary – March;
September - October
Lindera subcoriaceabog spicebushARSMarch - August2
Lobelia boykiniiBoykin’s LobeliaARSMay – July2
Ludwigia raveniiRaven’s seedboxARSJune -  October2
Lysimachia asperulaefoliarough-leaved loosestrifeEmid May – September2
Macbridea carolinianaCarolina birds-in-a-nestARSJuly – November2
Minuartia godfreyiGodfrey’s stitchwortARSApril – June2
Oxypolis canbyiCanby's dropwortEmid July – September2
Platanthera integrilabiawhite fringeless orchidTmid July - late August2
Ptilimnium nodosumharperellaEJuly – early September
(during low water)
Rhus michauxiiMichaux's sumacEMay – October2
Rhynchospora crinipeshairy-peduncled beakrushARSJuly – September2
Rudbeckia heliopsidissun-facing coneflowerARSJuly – September2
Sagittaria fasciculatabunched arrowheadEmid May – July2
Sarracenia oreophilagreen pitcher-plantElate April – October2
Sarracenia purpurea var. montanamountain purple pitcher-plantARSApril – October2
Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesiimountain sweet pitcher-plantEApril – October2
Schwalbea americanaAmerican chaffseedEMay - August
(1-2 months after a fire)
Sisyrinchium dichotomumwhite irisetteElate May – July2
Solidago plumosaYadkin River goldenrodCCASeptember – October2
Solidago spithamaeaBlue Ridge goldenrodTJuly – September2
Symphyotrichum georgianumGeorgia asterCCAOctober - mid November2
Spiraea virginianaVirginia spiraeaTMay - early July2
Sporobolus teretifoliuswire-leaved dropseedARSJuly – September
(following fire)
Thalictrum cooleyiCooley's meadowrueEmid June - early July2
Tsuga carolinianaCarolina hemlockARSyear round2

For additional information, reach out to the Asheville Field Office or the Eastern North Carolina Field Office