2022 Federal Duck Stamp Contest Winners

Joseph Hautman wins Federal Duck Stamp Contest 2022

After two days of competition, Joseph Hautman of Plymouth, Minnesota, emerged as the winner of the 2022 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest with his painting of three tundra swans flying over a wetland. The announcement was made via live stream at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters in Falls Church, Virginia. This is his sixth win of the prestigious contest.

Hautman’s acrylic painting will be made into the 2023-2024 Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp, or “Duck Stamp”, which will go on sale in late June 2023. The Service produces the Federal Duck Stamp, which sells for $25 and raises approximately $40 million in sales each year. These funds support critical conservation to protect wetland habitats in the National Wildlife Refuge System for the benefit of wildlife and the enjoyment of people.

In addition to Joseph Hautman, Frank Mittelstadt of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, placed second with his acrylic painting of tundra swans, and Robert Hautman of Delano, Minnesota, took third place with his acrylic painting of an American wigeon.

Of 187 entries judged in this year’s competition, 54 entries made it to the final round of judging. Eligible species for this year’s Federal Duck Stamp Contest were the tundra (whistling) swan, mottled duck, American green-winged teal, American wigeon, and Barrow’s goldeneye. View the online gallery of the 2022 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest entries.

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