During the fall migration, deeper waters on the river draw huge flocks of diving ducks, especially canvasbacks, with ring-necked ducks, goldeneye, redheads and scaup also commonly sighted. Marshlands and floodplain forests adjacent to the river attract wood ducks, blue-winged and green-winged teal, mallards, wigeon, gadwall, and pintail. Hunters equipped with a boat and a large spread of decoys can have good hunting opportunities for diving ducks, puddle ducks, and Canada geese. In addition, numerous forested islands on the river offer excellent deer hunting opportunities. Small game and turkey hunters also find success in the floodplain forest. Smaller swaths of prairie land offer chances to hunt doves. Many hunters enjoy the solitude and abundant wildlife on this refuge, which is considered one of the most scenic stretches along the Mississippi River.
Hunting Regulations and Special Hunts