TN's Jr. Duck Stamp Art Contest
We encourage educators, youth leaders, and scout leaders to consider the Jr. Duck Stamp Art Contest. It provides a science-based arts curriculum that emphasizes conservation of wetlands and waterfowl for students in grades K-12.
When students submit an entry in the Tennessee competition, they have the chance to win some great prizes and even attend an awards ceremony at the Discovery Park of America in Union City, TN.
Any child in grades K-12 in Tennessee can participate.
• Every entry will receive a Certificate of Participation.
• 100 Tennessee students (25 in each grade group) receive beautiful first, second, third, or honorable mention ribbons (groups are K-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12).
• 36 first, second and third place winners will also receive special engraved Junior Duck Stamp plaques.
• The Tennessee Best of Show winner receives also receives a $1,000 check from TWRF, a framed Federal Duck Stamp print, and their artwork on the state waterfowl stamp, and will move on the national competition.
TN has one of the most successful and prestigious Jr. Duck Stamp Programs in the nation, mostly due to our great partners, which are listed below. Please take time to check out their websites!
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation
Friends of Tennessee National Wildlife Refuges
Check out the Jr. Duck Stamp Art Contest website for general information, youth/educator curriculums, eligible species list, entry form, reference form, rules and regulations, and more!
You can discover more by watching the video's below.
Tennessee Jr. Duck Stamp Waterfowl Passport - Activity Packet!
Jr. Duck Stamp General Information 1
Jr. Duck Stamp General Information 2
Tennessee Specific Junior Duck Stamp Program Overview
Junior Duck Stamp - TN WildCast 289
Junior Duck Stamp - Waterfowl and Habitat Education
How to Draw a Duck - (advanced)
How To Draw A Duck - (beginners)
Art Contest Rules
- Design entries must be contestant's original, hand-drawn creation and may not be traced or copied from photographs or other artists' works.
- Image must be of a native North American duck, swan or goose (refer to Eligible Species list).
- Any style of artwork may be submitted as long as the eligible species can be recognized by its unique characteristics. Styles of artwork submitted can range from realism to representational abstract, including but not limited to cubist, caricature, impressionistic, pop, ethnic, optical, etc.
- The entry may be multi-color, black and white, or a single color; it may be rendered in ink, paint, pastel, crayon, or pencil. Techniques may include drawing, painting, scratch-board, airbrush, linoleum printing, paper collage, etc.
- No photography or computer-generated art will be accepted. Computers or other mechanical devices may not be used in creating or rendering the artwork.
- The physical size of submitted artwork must be 9" x 12" and less than ¼" thick.
- Image layout must be horizontal.
- Entries may not be matted or framed. A loose, detachable cover sheet may be laid over the art face to protect it during shipping. Spray chalk and pastel entries with a fixative to eliminate possible scuffing and smudging during transfer of artwork.
- There should be no border around the image.
- No lettering, words, signatures or initials may appear on the front of the design. This includes letters on signs and numbers on bands. Inclusion of such markings will result in disqualification.
- All entries must include a completed and signed entry form. Students in grades 7-12th MUST complete and submit a reference form. It is recommended that screen shots or images of any reference photos used are included in your submission.
- See the Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program and Contest brochure for detailed contest rules.
BEFORE YOU MAIL, please make sure that all four corners of your entry form and taped the the back of your artwork. If you have a reference form, please leave it loose in the package. If you are sending a large stack of artwork, please do the same. The reference forms do not have to be clipped to the artwork as long as the students name is on the reference form. It's best if you stack the references forms all together, separate from the artwork.
Please double check that all artwork is 9x12 and that every piece of artwork has an entry form associated with it.
Send all artwork to:
Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge
4343 Hwy 157
Union City, TN 38261
Contact Tara Dowdy, Tennessee Jr. Duck Stamp Coordinator, if you have additional questions or would like a FREE Jr. Duck Stamp Program at your school and are within the counties of Obion, Lake, Dyer, Lauderdale, Tipton or Haywood counties.