Current Road Conditions at Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge

The majority of the public use roads on the Pungo Unit are open for vehicles weighing 8,000 pounds or less. Almost all refuge roads, especially those on the Pungo Unit, are dirt and may be muddy during periods of wet weather. Please check the weather and use caution when roads are wet.

The descriptions below summarize current road status as of March 24, 2025. For road condition updates, please call 252-796-3004, extension 225.

Refuge Map


South Lake Road

South Lake Road has been re-opened to traffic. The road is one-way, with vehicles moving westbound from West Lake Road to Hyde Park Canal Road.

North Lake Road

North Lake Road is closed to all public entry during the wintering waterfowl season. Please note that bikes are not allowed on North Lake Road from November - July. 

The refuge continues to provide safe wildlife observation opportunities while limiting the amount of disturbance to wildlife and sensitive habitats. Bikes are allowed on other refuge roads open to the public.

West Lake Road

West Lake Road, located on the Pungo Unit, is closed to all motorized vehicles but remains open to foot traffic and bicycles. 

Harold's Road

The crossroad (Harold's Rd) between Dehoog and Boerema Roads is temporarily closed. The roads are being repaired because of unsafe conditions around the water control structures. The roads will be reopened as soon as conditions are safe for the public. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Motor vehicles
Public access
Visitor services