Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge Seeks Public Comment on Compatibility Determinations

Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge Seeks Public Comment on Compatibility Determinations 

Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge is seeking public review and comment on its Draft Compatibility Determinations for turkey hunting. We propose to continue allowing this existing use on the Refuge. Under USFWS policy, compatibility determinations for existing uses on National Wildlife Refuges must be periodically reviewed and updated. The Service will accept comments received or postmarked on or before Tuesday, September 3. 

The Service prepares Compatibility Determinations to ensure that public and economic uses of National Wildlife Refuges do not interfere with or detract from the purposes for which each refuge was established. Compatibility Determinations also describe how these uses would contribute towards achieving Refuge purposes and the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System.  

The following Draft Compatibility Determinations are available for review online: 

Draft Compatibility Determination for Turkey Hunting, Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Environmental Action Statement, Categorical Exclusion, Turkey Hunting, Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge

You may submit comments or requests for additional information through any of the following methods: 

• Email: kelly_moroney@fws.gov Include “Turnbull NWR Compatibility Determinations” in the subject line of the message. 
• Fax: Attn: Turnbull NWR Compatibility Determinations 509-235-4703. 
• U.S. Mail: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Attn: Project Leader, Inland Northwest National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 26010 South Smith Road Cheney, WA 99004-9326

Story Tags

Harvest management
Harvest strategies
Hunting regulations
Wildlife refuges

Recreational Activities