8 Fascinating Facts About Snowy Owls
An Open Spaces Blog

It's that time of year again, when birders and wildlife enthusiasts hope to catch a magical glimpse of a snowy owl. Historically the birds travel southward (well outside their normal range) every four years or so. This is called an irruption. But, for many reasons, not all understood, snowies have been "irrupting" more often, and some predict another banner year for Southern sightings. We figured people might start talking about snowies as sightings increase, and wanted to equip you with some interesting facts to share. 

Bristles on their beaks help them sense nearby objects. The beak (nearly covered by facial feathers) is hooked and used for gripping prey and tearing flesh.

face of a snowy owl with beak open
Photo by Mark Kent/Creative Commons | Image Details

Needing insulation from Arctic temperatures, snowy owls have a lot of feathers. This makes them one of the heaviest owl species in North America.

snowy owl on pole with feathers puffed out
Photo by Brent Eades/Creative Commons | Image Details

Their feet are covered with feathers, like fluffy slippers. This provides ample insulation for the cold Arctic climate.

snowy owl with feathery feet
Photo by Danny Barron/Creative Commons | Image Details

They swallow small prey whole. Snowy owls will eat a variety of food including lemmings, Arctic hares, mice, ducks and seabirds.

snowy owl in snow-covered field with rodent in mouth
Photo by Hal Trachtenberg/Creative Commons | Image Details

Females remain with the young, males bring the food and then females feed it to the owlets.

adult snowy owl with fuzzy gray chick
Photo by Tony Hisgett/Creative Commons | Image Details

Their wingspan is 4-5 feet on average. These powerful wings help them silently sneak up on or accelerate after prey.

snowy owl in blue sky
Photo by Shiloh Schulte/USFWS | Image Details

Male snowy owls are almost completely white, while females are white with dark bars on her otherwise white plumage.

Snowy owl perched on a utility pole
Photo  by Alex Galt/USFWS | Image Details

The Arctic summer forces snowy owls to hunt by daylight. Unlike most owls that are nocturnal, snowy owls are diurnal.

A husky white bird with small black markings and huge feet and talons flying away from the camera
Photo by Matt Poole/USFWS | Image Details

What to do if you see a snowy owl:

  • Keep a safe distance to observe quietly.
  • Do not play bird calls from your phone or other device.
  • Don't feed the owls. 
  • Avoid flashes when taking photos.
  • Keep noises to a minimum. 
  • If you find an injured owl: contact your state wildlife agency or local rehabilitator.
  • If you find a dead owl: contact your state wildlife agency.

This story is part of our Open Spaces blog.

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