Camp Tulelake

Camp Tulelake is co-managed with our sister agency the National Park Service and is one of two sites that are part of the Tule Lake National Monument. The Tulelake unit preserves an important artifact of 1930’s-40’s American history; the camp was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in 1935, but later the facility was used to detain Japanese Americans in 1943, then German Prisoners of War from 1944 - 1946. It is located on Hill Road approximately two miles north of the Klamath Basin Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center.

Visitors may only enter the grounds as part of a ranger guided program. You are welcome to take pictures of the buildings and view the road-side exhibits from outside the fence.

For more information, call the Lava Beds National Monument Visitor Center at (530) 260-0537 or (530) 667-8113

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Historic sites