Larry Woodward
Larry Woodward pilots a boat into the Okefenokee Swamp in the early morning. He is the deputy manager of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge.

The Okefenokee Swamp is dear to Larry Woodward, deputy manager of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, even though he has only spent three of his 30-year career on its waters. 

“It is beautiful, unique, and pristine,” he says. “It is still in its natural state, with the hydrology intact like it was 7,000 years ago when the ocean waters receded.” It’s pristine because of its clean water, and the peat below, which is a big carbon sink. “The amount of carbon stored in the peat-filled depths is monumental, the peat encapsulating over 140 million metric tons of carbon and 514 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, comparable to almost 8% of the annual U.S emissions of CO2.”

“Over 620 plant species demonstrate that it is intact and clean,” Woodward says. “Fall is spectacular with all the cypress trees turning brilliant orange.”

Woodward gets out of the office as much as he can, taking bird surveys, checking trails, and managing projects. When he does, he takes his camera. Woodward is soft-spoken, but his photos speak volumes.

“If you are patient and observant, you will see so much,” he says. 

Surprises abound, a small green anole hiding in a carnivorous pitcher plant Woodward photographed recently. “It was in the middle of the swamp, in the middle of a prairie. How did it get all the way out there? That is why I love taking photos,” he says. 

Larry Woodward takes a photo at the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. 

                                                                    Photos and Quotes by Larry Woodward

“Aerial photos of the swamp always take my breath away due to its vastness, over 730 square miles of this protected oasis, an inviolate sanctuary."
“Graceful and calm as he glides through the water, I have great respect for the apex predator of the swamp.”
“I can smell and feel the cool fresh air as I glide through the golden fortress of cypress trees on the black waters of the Suwannee Canal.”
“I can feel the calm and quiet within the designated ‘Wilderness.’"
“I love dragonflies. They are everywhere in the swamp. Another example of the pristine conditions of the Okefenokee.”
“I love the fall in the swamp. I am mesmerized by the striking colors.”