Target Audience:
This course is highly recommended for refuge biologists and managers.
Summary and Objectives:
The goal of CLM2150 is to help National Wildlife Refuge System biologists and managers build a strong Refuge biological program that supports evidence-based conservation and management. This course provides participants training on how Refuge biological programs apply evidence-based decision-making when planning, implementing, and learning from conservation and management activities. Participants will gain knowledge and develop skills to identify and prioritize biological work, design and implement conservation and management strategies and use best-available evidence to make decisions, evaluate outcomes, and adapt strategies. During this course, participants will also learn about best practices, helpful tools and resources, and national and regional frameworks that promote and guide broad-scale conservation planning, survey design, and data management across the National Wildlife Refuge System. Refuge biologists will find this course especially beneficial at any stage of their career. Managers and those who participate in biological programs will benefit from this holistic look at building a strong biological program
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Communicate the role and function Refuge programs have in evidence-based conservation and management of NWRS priority species and habitats.
- Apply elements of the Refuge Improvement Act and other major statutes, policies, and guidance to implement evidence-based decision-making.
- Determine and assess conservation and management objectives.
- Develop, select, and implement strategies for achieving conservation and management objectives.
- Design and implement a process to monitor outcomes of conservation and management activities.
- Synthesize monitoring information and other evidence to evaluate progress toward objectives.
- Determine how and when to adjust priorities, objectives, and strategies.
- Describe the National Inventory and Monitoring Resources Program.
- Understand the importance of conveying messages effectively to different audiences (i.e., talking to the public; talking to other staff; and talking to managers, researchers, statisticians, etc.)
- List the critical technical skills that biologists must continually increase/cultivate during their career and major professional responsibilities for continuing education and development.
Competency Addressed:
Conservation Biology - Awareness, Environmental Compliance - Basic, Decision Making - Awareness, Organization Awareness - Basic, Project Management - Basic
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