FWS Heavy Equipment Safety: Dump Truck


Target Audience: 

This training is intended for all employees that either operate, may operate or work around dump trucks for the USFWS. 

Summary and Objectives: 

The USFWS uses a wide variety of dump trucks and other types of dump bed equipment/trailers throughout the nation to complete a multitude of projects. Because there are many different makes and models of dump trucks throughout the US Fish and Wildlife Service, it is important for all operators to know, understand and be aware of the hazards associated with the operations along with all safety devices and warning labels to help prevent unintended accidents or fatalities. 

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 

* Complete Dump Truck Pre-Trip safety checks. 
* Describe Pinch Point Safety Awareness 
* Practice Worksite Awareness and Safety 
* Perform Loading and Off-Loading procedures 
* Conduct a Post-Trip Safety Check 

For questions, click here for a list of the Regional Training Coordinators. To locate a field course, visit the Heavy Equipment and Off-Road Vehicle Training Sharepoint Page.

Competencies Addressed: 

Health and Safety Awareness - Intermediate, Safety - Intermediate, Vehicle Operation - Intermediate, Oral Communication - Basic, Risk Management - Basic, Industrial Equipment Operation - Intermediate

Course Short Name
Course Type
Training Tuition Cost
1 hour
Training Credit Hours
Semester Hours
Course Contact

Questions and Registration

Course Contact


*DOI PIV card holders may use the button above to register for courses directly in DOI Talent. If you are not affiliated with DOI, follow instructions for External, Non-DOI learners to obtain an account. Need help for registration, contact session contact.