FWS ORUV Train the Trainer


Target Audience: 

FWS EMPLOYEES / AFFILIATED PERSONNEL ONLY, who operates Service-owned, leased, or rented Off-Road Utility Vehicles and would like to become an Off-Road Utility Vehicle Safety instructor. Contact your appropriate Regional Heavy Equipment Coordinator to register for the course. 


This course is designed to provide new instructors of ATVs, UTVs, Snow machines, and Amphibious Vehicles the knowledge and experience to successfully train students in the safe operation of these vehicles according to FWS policy. This course is 1 of 2 courses required to become a Safety Instructor for the FWS. 


Provide students with practical knowledge and skills to deliver the Services Off-Road Utility Vehicle Safety Training program in a consistent format as required by Service policy. 


Completion of either the: FWS-LED5109 Design and Delivering a Training Session when course is available in addition to providing the Regional Heavy Equipment Coordinator with documentation outlined in the "Heavy Equipment and Off-Road Utility Vehicle Safety Training Handbook." 

Length of Course:

40 hours NOTE: Off-Road Utility Vehicle Safety Instructor refresher course is required 3 years after completion of this course to maintain authorization to instruct. 

Registration Questions:

For questions, click here for a list of the Regional Training Coordinators. To locate a field course, visit the Heavy Equipment and Off-Road Vehicle Training Sharepoint Page.

Competencies Addressed: 

Health and Safety Awareness - Intermediate, Safety - Intermediate, Vehicle Operation - Intermediate, Oral Communication - Basic, Risk Management - Basic, Teaches Others - Intermediate 

Course Short Name
Course Type
Training Tuition Cost
36 hours
Training Credit Hours
Course Contact

Questions and Registration

Course Contact


*DOI PIV card holders may use the button above to register for courses directly in DOI Talent. If you are not affiliated with DOI, follow instructions for External, Non-DOI learners to obtain an account. Need help for registration, contact session contact.