Partnership and Community Collaboration: Managing by Network


Target Audience: 

Field managers, program leads, or specialists with current partnership or community collaboration responsibilities.  

Summary and Objectives:  

This course is an interagency applied learning course designed for federal managers, specialists, or frontline supervisors involved in partnership and community collaboration. Curriculum centers on the 22 partnership and community collaboration competencies defined by the Office of Personnel Management. Participants will learn how to strengthen formal and informal partnerships, foster community stakeholder engagement, and explore practices and build skills with their interagency peers. The 6-month course, from January to June, includes 18 live 2-hour webinars. Participants meet weekly for two hours, in four seminar sized groups. Attendees may participate on the day and time of their choice based on 4 options. Study Hall weeks interspersed through the course allow participants to enrich and apply their learning through optional activities such as networking sessions, homework, and self-study to make up missed sessions. During webinars, the contracted lead instructors-along with guest instructors from public agencies, the private sector, and the nonprofit community-share knowledge and insights on partnerships management, covering topics such as collaborative leadership, entrepreneurship, ethics, evaluation, managing agreements, negotiations, and partner cultural awareness. Visit the website for course materials, instructional videos, case studies, and more:  

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:  

  • Strengthen an internal and external network of individuals and organizations to advance the mission of the agency. 
  • Build trust with partners and stakeholders using a professional skill set of 22 competencies. 
  • Demonstrate professional competence in applying best practices for partnership and community collaboration with partners, stakeholders and the public. 
  • Apply social science concepts and practices to support relevance and resilience in partnering and collaboration. 
  • Recognize the relationship between sunshine laws including the Paperwork Reduction Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act to build accountability and trust between public agencies or organizations and their partners, stakeholders, and

Competency Addressed: 

Partnering - Intermediate, Stakeholder Management - Intermediate, Accountability - Intermediate, Strategic Thinking - Intermediate, Integrity/Honesty - Intermediate, Team Building - Intermediate 

Course Short Name
Course Type
Course Category
Training Tuition Cost
38 hours
Training Credit Hours
Semester Hours

Questions and Registration

Course Contact


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