What will we do at the Talking Circles?
Share, Listen, and Plan:
- What Tribal leaders have to say and what federal partners have heard about co-stewardship.
- Examples of how co-stewardship is happening in AK today.
- How Tribal leaders and communities would like co-stewardship to happen in their places.
- Tribal leader and community capacity to engage in these conversations and related actions.
Who is invited?
Tribal Council Members, Tribal Administrators, ANCSA Regional and Village Corporation Land Managers, Alaska Native Regional Non-Profit Natural Resources Staff, Alaska Native Elders and Leaders, and local federal land managers.
Who is hosting this effort?
The Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and U.S. Forest Service are convening Talking Circles throughout Alaska to connect Tribal leaders and federal land managers.
The purpose of the Talking Circle Series and other co-stewardship conversations is to improve stewardship of public lands, waters, and wildlife.
Virtual Meeting Details
June 8, 2023, 4-6pm AKST
How to Connect:
Contact Us: Talking Circles Coordinator, Shelly Wade
907-242-5326 (call/text); shelly@agnewbeck.com
Audio/Visual: https://agnewbeck.zoom.us/j/88000596627?pwd=QnhobkJ6SnowNksxc0pRUjdrUXE…
Audio Only:
Dial: 1-833-548-0282 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 880 0059 6627#
Passcode: 343610#
Contact Us: Talking Circles Coordinator, Shelly Wade
907-242-5326 (call/text); shelly@agnewbeck.com