Featured Species
Arizona is an ecologically diverse state that provides habitat to a wide variety of plants and animals
The state contains part or all of the four North American deserts: the Sonoran, Chihuahuan, Mojave, and Great Basin. In addition, Arizona is known for its grasslands, forests, mountains, and rivers, which cover many biological zones of life, from lowland hot, dry deserts to high-altitude cooler, wetter coniferous forests and alpine tundra.
There are 72 threatened, endangered, or candidate species in Arizona, including 10 mammals, 9 birds, 5 reptiles, 2 amphibians, 21 fishes, 2 snails, 1 insect, and 22 plants. Many of these species also have designated critical habitat. Additionally, 534 species of birds are known to occur in Arizona, with the southern part of the state renowned as a birding hotspot.
Our species
Click on the species below for more information, including contact information for AESFO biologists working with each species (scroll to the end of the species page and click "Staff Profile" in the "Refine Your Search" section).