Visit Us
Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge offers an eight-mile wildlife drive that meanders through upland and wetland habitats in the Upland and Houston Units of the refuge off of Alabama Hwy. 285. Along the auto route, a wildlife-viewing platform and observation tower allow visitors increased opportunities to view the various habitat types and associated wildlife. Visitors also may hike and bike along the wildlife drive. A one-third mile walking trail near the main entrance winds through the woods, over a creek and along the edge of longleaf pine restoration sites.
Restrooms are available during business days and hours at the refuge headquarters. Restrooms also are available at adjacent state parks.
Always observe wildlife from a safe distance and be aware of where you are putting your feet and hands. Venomous snakes and arthropods, as well as poisonous plants, are found on the refuge. To make your trip more enjoyable, you may want to bring:
Bug Spray
Water Bottle
Comfortable shoes for walking/hiking
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Rules and Policies
Everything on the refuge is either a home or food for wildlife, so please
help protect wildlife by respecting the following regulations.

Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge
Eufaula NWR offers a wildlife drive, a wildlife viewing platform and observation tower, and walking trail.
Located about 10 miles north of Eufaula, AL. take US Hwy. 431 N to AL Hwy. 165 and turn right. The refuge office is approximately two miles on the right.
The refuge is located about 40 miles south of Phenix City, AL. Take US Hwy. 431 S to AL Hwy. 165 and turn left. The refuge office is approximately two miles on the right.