When Pacific salmon are running, brown bear densities can be among the highest recorded; as many as six bears per mile along some streams. Be bear aware and familiarize yourself with bear safety. Izembek National Wildlife Refuge is world famous for its brown bear hunting, but also offers one of...
Five species of Pacific salmon fill the waters of the Refuge in a series of runs lasting from mid-summer through fall. Fishing opportunities for salmon are best from August through September. Depending upon location and time of year, lucky anglers can also expect to harvest Dolly Varden char and...
The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 provides access to many federal public lands in Alaska for rural residents to practice a subsistence way of life.
The flocks of waterfowl and abundant bears that attract hunters also lure those who prefer to watch or photograph wildlife. Izembek allows such visitors to pursue their interests while enjoying the experience of a true wilderness adventure in an area of unsurpassed scenic beauty. Backpacking and...
Looking for seashells is a popular pastime at many coastal Fish and Wildlife Service sites. But some ban collecting of anything, including empty seashells. Some states, like Florida, prohibit removing any live creatures.
From bald eagles to spoonbills, from condors to puffins, birds abound on national wildlife refuges. Refuges provide places for birds to nest, rest, feed and breed making them world-renown for their birding opportunities.
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