Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Courses

These courses build the skills to cultivate a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible workplace culture.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to see scheduled sessions in this category.

Target Audience: 

All USFWS and NPS employees

Summary and Objectives:

Did you know that most people wait for others to intervene in situations, and it ends up that no one does anything?

This course is designed to assist in exploring and defining one's ability to control and...

Target Audience: 

All USFWS and NPS employees

Summary and Objectives:

 We can all develop skills to be allies in a racialized society. We are all biased and if we are blind to our biases, the consequences are critical to the quality of interactions with others and decision-making....

Target Audience:

FWS employees, volunteers, Friends' members, and external partners who are nominated by FWS regions and HQ.

Summary and Audience:

This foundational course will set the stage for building long-term, meaningful relationships with urban communities through four critical...

Target Audience

FWS and DOI Employees and Supervisors

Summary and Objectives

Addressing Unconscious Bias Lets Your People Thrive.  Every day, your people are faced with countless bits of information while making decisions that range from the pragmatic to the strategic. As they confront...

Target Audience:

FWS, NPS and USGS permanent employees interested in learning more about racial equity and social justice.

Summary and Objectives:

A Groundwater Presentation is a three-hour introduction to Racial Equity. In this lively and participatory presentation, REI...

Target Audience:  

All DOI Employees and contractors.

Summary and Objectives:  

A hands-on training session on creating and editing MS Word documents to be Section 508 conformant. 

Competencies Addressed: 

Accessibility - Intermediate, Web Technology -...

Target Audience:

All DOI Employees and contractors.

Summary and Objectives:

A hands-on training session on creating and editing MS Word documents to be Section 508 conformant.

Competencies Addressed: 

Accessibility - Intermediate, Web Technology - Basic, Computer Skills - Basic

Target Audience:

The course is designed for ""intact groups"" of FWS employees, volunteers, and Friends members, participating together. Here's who we expect will be encouraged to participate at each field station (e.g., national wildlife refuge, national fish hatchery, etc.):

FWS employees:...

Seminar Calendar