Announcing Prospectus and Request for Proposals for Big Game Guiding Special Use Permits

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's NWRS offers special use permits for Big Game Guides to provide commercial guiding services on National Wildlife Refuge lands within the Alaska Region. Special use permits will be awarded for big game guiding services through a competitive selection process. For more information visit: Announcing Prospectus and Request for Proposals for Big Game Guiding Special Use Permits

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces Public Meetings and ANILCA 810 Subsistence Hearings for Izembek SEIS

The draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Potential Land Exchange for a Road Between King Cove and Cold Bay is now available. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking public comments. For more information and to view public meeting and hearing details, visit Land Exchange Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Information and Documents.

NOTICE: Comment period extended 45 days: Comment period end date has changed from December 30, 2024 to February 13, 2025.

Visit Us

Blue and white ship with name Tustumena on the bow
The Alaska Marine Highway System includes a ferry route that stops in Cold Bay on the way to the Aleutian Islands. | Image Details

Visiting the Refuge requires a flight or ferry ride to Cold Bay (768 miles south of the Arctic Circle and 335 miles west of Honolulu). No public use facilities exist in the refuge. Visitors should be prepared for frequently occurring wind, rain, fog, and cold temperatures. Topography varies from sea level to rugged volcanic peaks exceeding 9,000 feet. Be sure to familiarize yourself with safety in bear country.


Refuge Headquarters
1 Izembek DriveCold Bay,AK99571-8249

A mini-visitor center at the refuge headquarters houses several wildlife displays; and a variety of maps and printed information is available to assist visitors. Refuge staff are always available to answer questions and provide information as needed. An interpretive display is also maintained in the Cold Bay airline terminal.

Looking over a woman's shoulder as she takes a photo of a map display with her phone.
A visitor to the Izembek Refuge office takes a photo of the map display. | Image Details
Driving Directions

Refuge Headquarters is located in Cold Bay, Alaska approximately one-half mile northeast of the airport terminal. There is limited vehicle access to the refuge itself via five primary gravel or dirt roads, totaling about 40 miles (portions of these require 4-wheel drive). Aircraft or boats are required for access elsewhere within the refuge. For example, Izembek Lagoon can reached from the community of Cold Bay by road through Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, and is also accessed by wheel-planes landing on unimproved beaches, and by boat. Off-airport air taxi operators and boat charters are limited. Contact the refuge for the latest information.

Office hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM