Featured Species
We monitor the status and support the recovery of around 100 rare fish, wildlife, and plants, from furry mammals like the Southern sea otter, soaring birds like the California condor, water-loving amphibians like the Santa Cruz long-toed salamander, graceful insects like the Smith's blue butterfly and colorful plants like the Nipomo mesa lupine. We work with landowners and leading scientists to gather the best available science on each species and their habitat, and we work with partners to implement on-the-ground conservation that supports their recovery. Click here for more information on survey protocols and guidelines for recovery permits in the Pacific Southwest Region.
- Giant kangaroo rat
- Morro Bay kangaroo rat
- Southern sea otter
- San Joaquin kit fox
- Santa Catalina island fox
- California clapper rail
- California condor
- California least tern
- Coastal California gnatcatcher
- Least Bell's vireo
- Ridgway’s rail
- Marbled murrelet
- Southwestern willow flycatcher
- Western snowy plover
- Yellow-billed cuckoo
- Arroyo toad
- California red-legged frog
- California tiger salamander Central California Distinct Population Segment
- California tiger salamander Santa Barbara County Distinct Population Segment
- Santa Cruz long-toed salamander
- Kern primrose sphinx moth
- Mount Hermon June beetle
- Morro shoulderband snail
- Conservancy fairy shrimp
- Riverside fairy shrimp
- Longhorn fairy shrimp
- Vernal pool fairy shrimp
- Vernal pool tadpole shrimp
- Ohlone tiger beetle
- Smith's blue butterfly
- Zayante band-winged grasshopper
- Beach layia
- Ben Lomond spineflower
- Ben Lomond wallflower
- Braunton’s milk-vetch
- California jewelflower
- California orcutt grass
- California seablite
- Camatta Canyon amole
- Chorro Creek bog thistle
- Coastal dunes milk-vetch
- Conejo dudleya
- Contra Costa goldfields
- Gambel's watercress
- Gaviota tarplant
- Gowen cypress
- Hickman’s potentilla
- Hoffmann’s rock-cress
- Hoffmann’s slender-flowered gilia
- Indian Knob mountainbalm
- Island barberry
- Island bedstraw
- Island malacothrix
- Island phacelia
- Island rush-rose
- Kern mallow
- La Graciosa thistle
- Lompoc yerba santa
- Lyon’s pentachaeta
- Marcescent dudleya
- Marsh sandwort
- Menzie’s/Yadon’s wallflowers
- Monterey clover
- Monterey spineflower
- Monterey gilia
- Morro manzanita
- Nevin’s barberry
- Nipomo lupine
- Pismo clarkia
- Purple amole
- Robust spineflower
- Salt marsh bird's-beak
- San Benito evening-primrose
- San Joaquin wooly-threads
- Santa Barbara Island liveforever
- Santa Cruz cypress
- Santa Cruz Island bushmallow
- Santa Cruz Island dudleya
- Santa Cruz Island fringepod
- Santa Cruz Island malacothrix
- Santa Cruz Island rockcress
- Santa Cruz tarplant
- Santa Monica Mountains dudleya
- Scotts Valley polygonum
- Scotts Valley spineflower
- Slender-horned spineflower
- Soft-leaved paintbrush
- Southern mountain wild-buckwheat
- Spreading navarretia
- Santa Rosa Island manzanita
- Tidestrom’s lupine
- Vandenberg monkeyflower
- Ventura marsh milk-vetch
- Verity’s dudleya
- White-rayed pentachaeta
- Yadon’s piperia