Wage Grade employees and other maintenance professionals working in or directly supporting the FWS and NPS maintenance programs (equipment operators, maintenance workers, tractor operators, animal caretakers, mechanics, boat operators, etc.) with at least 3 years of experience in...
Academies Courses
Academies are focused on developing the skills and knowledge needed to address the mission of the programs and the Service. They are single and multi-week courses designed for targeted groups of FWS employees. Academies are by nomination only. Recruitment announcements are released throughout the year. If you are interested in attending an Academy, talk to your supervisor for details.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to see scheduled sessions in this category.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff new to the National Wildlife Refuge System, including refuge operations specialists, wildlife biologists, outdoor recreation planners, and environmental education specialists. Note: Selection of participants is determined by a nomination...
Nominations should be based on the following priorities:
Entry-level realty and support positions (e.g., realty assistant, cartographic technician, administrative support, etc.); Employees in higher graded positions who are relatively new to the U.S. Fish and...All U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fisheries Program staff. Each Assistant Regional Director for Fisheries will nominate three individuals to attend this course and provide a prioritized list of alternates to the National Conservation Training Center 4 months prior to the start...
GS 6/7/8/9 Future Fire Management Officers and Leaders
Summary and Objectives:The Fire Management Academy's goal is to provide a solid educational foundation to future FWS fire managers on the complex dynamics of managing of a fire program. This involves preparing future...
GS-12, GS-13, and GS-14 employees in the refuge manager (0485) series with more than 6 years of experience. Employees in other disciplines may be considered for nomination, particularly if they have demonstrated the potential for moving into higher refuge management positions (...