The National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) manages the DOI/ FWS Watercraft Safety Training Program by providing direct support to their online and field-based training courses. Currently, NCTC staff maintain and update the course content for all Watercraft Safety courses for the Department of Interior, in coordination with the DOI Watercraft Safety Work Group and the FWS Watercraft Safety Work Group.

courses offered   DOI Watercraft Safety Workgroup   OPERATOR Resources  Regional Schedules   Training Resources   training videos   USFWS rEGIONAL CoORDINATORS 

Regional Watercraft Safety Course Dates/Locations

Region 1/Region 8 - (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Hawaii; CNO- California, Nevada)
Region 2 - (Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma)
Region 3 - (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin)
Region 4 - (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands)
Region 5 - (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia)
Region 6 - (Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Utah, Wyoming)
Region 7 - (Alaska)

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DOI Watercraft Safety Workgroup

(Please contact your respective agency lead for questions regarding the agency watercraft program)

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
  • Colby Hawkinson, (541) 727-8437, BLM - Medford, OR
  • Monica Zimmerman, (208) 709-2371, BLM - Upper Snake Field Office, Idaho Falls, ID
Bureau of Reclamation (BOR)
  • Robert Radtke, (801) 660-0876, BOR - UC Regional Office, Salt Lake City, UT
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
  • Chad Yoshinaga, 808 725-5391 (office) 808 222-1072 (cell), NOAA - Honolulu HI
National Park Service (NPS)
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
U. S. Geological Survey (USGS)
  • Timothy Frick, USGS, (860)291-6757, New England WSC Office, East Hartford, CT

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USFWS Regional Watercraft Safety Coordinators

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Training Resources

Instructor Information

DOI Departmental Manual, DM 485; Safety and Occupational Health Program (April 2024)

FWS Part 241 Safety Operations Chapter 1 Watercraft Safety

BLM Watercraft Safety Policy

NPS Watercraft Safety Policy

USBR Watercraft Safety Policy

USGS Watercraft Safety Policy

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Training Resource Videos

When planning stowage, it is necessary to carefully consider cargo handling and lashing methods in line with the shape of the cargo.

Learn a secure method to control the descent of a heavy load and to determine the best way to get the boat onto the trailer.

The airboat is a specialized piece of equipment designed to go where other vessels cannot go. 

Learn how to do all of the above by watching these videos MOCC training resource videos.

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Operator Resources

The documents below are currently in the process of being created for 508 compliances.

Boating Safety Float Form and Plans

Maintenance Checklists
